My name is Connor Allain. I am experienced in many aspects of the art field and I am excited to bring my art to the world of tattooing. Most of my art career has focused on drawing animals, but in the past few years, I have broadened my horizons to something much more. I want my art to be known for something. I want to share my art with others.

I have tattoos from the following artists Nemo (IG: @anotheryear of disaster), Neo (IG: @neonguyen), Rick (IG: @rick_zacchi), and Caroline (IG: @carolineraer). I have had extremely positive experiences with them. I always ask plenty of questions about their process and experiences tattooing. I have what it takes to become a dedicated and passionate tattoo artist. I understand the ups and downs of the process, but I am willing to commit.

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